New set of 4x4s Starting 4/10 ~ Studio Closure ~ Art & Confidence

I’m working on a new set of one-of-a-kind 4×4” original paintings on heavyweight acid-free paper ~ have you enjoyed seeing these? Let me know!

Starting Monday April 10th, I will release one mini painting per day, for 6 days. And right before that week, my studio will be closed ~ my studio will be closed March 29 – April 7 ~ all orders placed during this time will ship by April 8. It’s time for some family down-time! <3

During the month of March, I released 12 original 4×4″ paintings on paper ~ I had SUCH fun creating them. What a fresh breeze for my soul… I’ve been working on canvas for so long that to create these delicate little glossy paintings on textured matte paper was such a treat. All 12 of these paintings have sold. I look forward to showing you the next 6, starting April 10 

Here is a compilation photo of the first 12 paintings FUN, eh??

the first 12 mini 4x4" original paintings on paper by Katie m. Berggren, March 2017

the first 12 mini 4×4″ original paintings on paper by Katie m. Berggren, March 2017

During release week, I will send an email each morning Monday through Saturday, releasing ONE painting ~ let me know if you have ANY questions!


In other cool news: I am so honored to announce that I was interviewed for The Transformation Through Creative Expression Summit, in an interview titled Art & Confidence. In my hour-long interview I share how something I STRUGGLED with actually (I later realized) gifted me with confidence that has fed my art business AND my life. This summit starts April 17 ~ stay tuned for details.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this ~ Have a wonderful weekend!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

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