round paintings on paper by kmberggren motherhood art

New Inspiration & Donations 🧡

►Inspiration & Round Paintings

 ►Auction Results

 ►New Combos - Most Loved Choices

 ►2022 Calendar Pre-Order


What has inspired YOU lately?

Inspiration is such a funny thing – it smacks us upside the head at the weirdest quickest moments. Last week I added some round icons to my web banner (see below), and I loved them! Then one of my favorite collectors drew my attention back to them a few days ago and inspiration HIT! I had an urge to do some round paintings!

I love seeing my paintings cropped into circles (thus stickers, magnets and pendants), so this was bound to happen at some point! 😊

Most important, when inspiration hits, we must act on it: in SOME way. I did some sketches and went straight to my workbench with paper and a bowl to trace. Here is what I’ve done so far, with two more idea sketches from last night, and I can tell many more are to come. I am SO excited!


round paintings on paper by kmberggren motherhood art


I'm not sure yet what I'll do with these paintings... Perhaps another auction down the road? The auction that ended last week was FUN and a SUCCESS! All 16 paintings sold and we gave over $660 away to organizations! See where the donations went.


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I have new combo listings in my shop - to avoid analysis paralysis, I’ve combined my Most Loved Choices... see them here:

In each listing you choose your print and size and wham bam! Less digging. You can still dig deeper, but for quick heart-choice types of moments, I wanted to make things easier.


I would LOOVVEE to hear what you think of the combo listings! ►►Do they cause LESS confusion, or MORE?


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♥♥♥♥ It's Calendar Time! ♥♥♥♥♥


If you made it this far you get early notice of the 2022 Motherhood Art Calendars being available for pre-order - get yours here.


My private Facebook Community helped me pick the cover this year, and I'll release them to the rest of the world next week.


art calendar 2022 mom and kids calendar, art of family calendar, family paintings by kmberggren, collectible calendar, keepsake art calendar

Thank you!

 Love & Sincerely, Katie

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