New Art Video ~ Paying It Forward ~ Get a Free 12×12 Archival Print

I am so honored to be sharing this video ~ graciously created by Jae Jones of Tinsel Whiskers.

Jae literally came along, enjoyed the work, and decided to create this video for me to share. I think she did a very nice job, and I am moved by her generosity.

When I offered her a gift as a thank you, she asked if I would, instead, Pay It Forward by offering a FREE Archival 12×12 Print to another person instead of her.

I like Paying It Forward, so here is my challenge to you: If you should be the soul who wins the Free Archival 12×12 Print from me, how would YOU then Pay It Forward ~ and spread your kindness?

If you are interested in playing ~ add your comment here ~ I will choose one of the commenters to win their choice of a FREE Archival 12×12 Print ~ giving them the opportunity to put action to their Pay It Forward idea.

And if you don’t win, you can always take action on your idea anyway

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends,

Love & Sincerely ~ Katie

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