Near Your Voice, original painting by Katie m. Berggren, mother and child art, beach art, woman and child on beach art, listen to mother earth art, mother earth painting

Near Your Voice ♥

NEAR YOUR VOICE is complete ♥

May we take a moment to hear the expressions of the Earth, nature is calling. Sometimes she rings out clear, sometimes she’s a rush of rhythm and pattern. The world gets noisy, the atmosphere around us beats with dense momentum and we sometimes just need to stop. To close our eyes and listen. To hear only the voice of the breeze, the song of the birds. And to feel the warmth of the soul right next to us. Stepping out into nature requires little of us, yet rewards us with pure presence. If we listen.

Near Your Voice, original painting by Katie m. Berggren


This piece is available for $429 plus $10 USA shipping ($30 int'l shipping).

Is she for you? Email Me(she's not in the shop). 

I can and will change the child's eye color for no charge.


Near Your Voice, original painting by Katie m. Berggren, mother and child art, beach art, woman and child on beach art, listen to mother earth art, mother earth painting
Near Your Voice, original painting by Katie m. Berggren, mother and child art, beach art, woman and child on beach art, listen to mother earth art, mother earth painting


Below is a piece I am currently working on in the studio. BOTH of these pieces have called to me, over and over again. I leave the room to start dinner or get ready for bed... and they call me back. To look at them 'one more time' before the day ends. I think of them constantly.


The Painting A Day project was like fuel for me, it required that I experiment with restraint and patience. Now, on canvas, I am adding to those tools with layers of paint, subtle color transitions, faith, texture...


Near Your Voice, original painting by Katie m. Berggren, mother and child art, beach art, woman and child on beach art, listen to mother earth art, mother earth painting


PAINTING A DAY project update

5 left, email me for the one that is YOURS ♥

 (They are not in the shop)

painting a day project, painting per day, mother and child art, paintings on paper, daily paintings, kmberggren, paintings of women, grandma painting, art for grandma of five

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Thank you for everything, I always appreciate my incredible collectors... your kind words, purchases and shares.


LOVE & Sincerely, Katie


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