My Kalama Owl and Harvard

katie berggren

First off, I am far from a collector of *things*. The shopping-gene missed me and I am often passionately against clutter and things sitting around, unless they have a true purpose.

On Saturday, my family and I cruised through our hometown antique shops, enjoying Kalama. I came across this little owl and for some reason she visually jumped out at me. I realized she was broken and sold “as is” but that didn’t bother me and she brought back memories of the illustrations I used to create before my children came along.

In the early hours of Sunday, I woke to tend to one of my boys and then found myself thinking about that owl and having an urge for her to hang in my studio – she became more than just a *thing* to me then and I was excited for the Antique store to open today so that I could go purchase her

She represents my past illustrations, but also motherhood, and I will always remember Kalama when I look at her, even if/when we no longer live here. She will also make me think of the owner of the Antique store whom I think is just so kind. She now has a purpose, and as soon as I can wrestle her away from my little boy who also loves her, she will hang in my studio.

So, I found an artistic connection here, which made me want to share

My illustration of Harvard the Owl is from 2002. I started out doing drawings of animals and children, and this has led to original paintings of moms and babies.

Choose artwork for mom on canvas or paper, and give her a meaningful gift that will last a lifetime.


Have a great day! Sincerely, Katie

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