Music Inspiring the Studio: Dustin Ruth
katie berggrenApproximately a year ago my husband and I attended a live concert in Portland, OR for a band we like (whose lead singer happens to be a childhood friend of mine), FarCry.
Dustin Ruth opened for FarCry, and my husband and I both loved Dustin’s down-to-earth, soulful music. A friend purchased his CD for me that night, and we listened to it over and over the whole way home.
I continue to love the stories in Dustin’s songs. My sons (5 & 7) request “Dustin Ruth” in the car when we are driving, especially my 5 year old, and he sings along vibrantly. We find ourselves humming around the house and singing songs such as Honey (below) and Life’s Not Fair. My favorite is Don’t Give Up, as I love the changes in tempo as the song progresses. It seems to climb, then descend. I really love it.
When we need a change in mood, we play Dustin Ruth <3
I am always drawn to fellow young creative entrepreneurs (musicians and artists), and love to support the ones with an authentic passion for their craft.
I have been wanting to feature Dustin on my blog for awhile, so here you go. I hope you enjoy his music, his mood, his stories and his passion. I believe you will feel no remorse if you add Dustin Ruth’s Learn How To Love Someone CD to your collection.
Have a wonderful week,
Love & Sincerely, Katie