mindful mothering project katie m. berggren

Mindful Mothering Project painting #22


I’ve chosen the photo for my next Mindful Mothering Project painting (#22!)
I chose this photo, below, submitted by Lori-Anne in my Private Facebook Group.

Watch Instagram and Facebook for progress shots as this painting progresses. Lori-Anne will receive a free 12x12 inch print of the completed painting, which will be an available original 15x12 inch piece on heavy paper. Stay tuned :) See currently available original paintings that are ready to ship.

Learn more about the Mindful Mothering Project, submit YOUR photo, and see all 21 of the previous MMP paintings!


mindful mothering project katie m. berggren

That's all today - go off and enjoy your week's end!


I'm keeping active creating artwork that will illustrate a couple of books, and working on custom paintings for dear clients. I hope you are keeping busy and happy, but not too busy to allow you to be present in your moments and days.


Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful week's end.
Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy.
Love & Sincerely, Katie

kmberggren painting

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