
Making Of A Pink Painting ♥ Help Me Name Her


In a moment of inspiration and trust, I started this painting that had been blooming in my mind. The sketch I created for her was calling for rainbows, and in my mind, I had her mostly figured out: she would have waves of color top to bottom, from red, all the way to violet. I think the Rainbow Hope Collection is still stuck in my soul :)




In our dealings with inspiration 
and creativity, we must BEGIN 


So, I began. And then different callings came and to be honest, I forgot all about the rainbow theme! I followed her lead, stroke by stroke, daub by daub, and enjoyed every moment. You can watch a video of her creation here.






And in time, here is how she emerged:




But now she needs a name…


 I have two that are feeling right to me, and I wonder what you think.


Does she feel like “UPLIFTED” 








That word ‘hope’ has been flitting around me a lot lately… and I don’t even entirely know what it means to me. I generally trust in what occurs and that what will happen will happen and we'll find a way to deal with it… but still cling to positive assumptions, kind intentions, and feelings of ease... and assume that these matter. Do they?


I do think that I will eventually create that rainbow woman, too 😊


Wishing you a beautiful end to your week ♥

Love & Sincerely,



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