kmberggren motherhood art, painting of mom with baby, kimberggren, berggrenn art, km bergren art, blonde mother and child painting

What I'm Loving Lately ~ Final Painting A Day

In the interest of boosting some fellow creators and sharing inspiration, here’s what I’ve been loving to read and listen to while painting. 


► Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s podcast episode of Wiser Than Me that featured an interview with writer Isabel Allende. I absolutely loved it and immediately listened to the audio of Isabel's book titled Ripper. Then went on to listen to The Soul Of A Woman, and yesterday finished Maya’s Notebook. All superb. I am thrilled to have the books of Isabel Allende in my life now. To lose myself in paint and her words... divine. Next up: Violeta. And Julia's podcast is great overall, too!


isabel allende maya's notebook audiobook



► When I first discovered that I had for years been an un-realized Minimalist, I scoured the internet for books and blogs, and finally felt seen. I found my people, and it was truly awesome. Here's a newsletter that I actually look forward to receiving: Practicing Simplicity by Jodi Wilson. It’s been many years of seeking simplicity and LESS, and now this newsletter has fallen into my lap. I appreciate it each time it arrives.



► The other day I stumbled upon a painting in my inspiration folder by Gari Melchers (1860-1932). It instantly sparked something in me, and I knew it would inspire the FINAL painting in my current Painting A Day project. Here’s Melcher’s painting, Maternity/Motherhood:


gari melchers, gary melchers, motherhood painting, melchers art, julius gary melchers



And here’s MY painting that it gently inspired, Wanting What We Have. This piece is currently available, write me back if she is for you (she's not in the shop just yet). $155 + shipping. An original painting on heavy paper, 9x12 inches. Today is the Final Day of Painting A Day.


kmberggren motherhood art, painting of mom with baby, kimberggren, berggrenn art, km bergren art, blonde mother and child painting
kmberggren motherhood art, painting of mom with baby, kimberggren, berggrenn art, km bergren art, blonde mother and child painting


This round of Painting A Day honors a desire to create bold and vibrant close-ups of mother and child. This was an exciting little journey. Just like with the first round of Painting A Day, what I learned here will be woven into my upcoming paintings on canvas.


mother and child paintings, mother and daughter art, mom and son art, paintings of motherhood, art of mom and babies, mother and child art, kmberggren, kim berggren, kmberggrenn, kmbergren art


► If you know of a mother who might love seeing my paintings, I would super-appreciate you sharing this email or my website with her. I pour my heart into my art and it yearns to be seen and to send across its message of love and gentleness ♥ and you AND your friend can each receive a $5 coupon when you refer. Just click on the purple "Rewards" bubble on the lower left of the shop, and sign in to get your special referral link.


Thank you in advance!

 Wishing you a beautiful week's end!

 Love & Sincerely, Katie


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