purple mother and children art, purple paintings, violet lavender artwork, mother child paintings, mom and three kids art

Let Me Hold You ♥ A Painting A Day ♥ Mermaid Prints ♥


Almost 20 years as a painter has led me to finessing layer upon layer, breathing life onto surfaces and figures, and not wanting to release work I don’t love. Yesterday I released Let Me Hold You, and she's a perfect example of loving a surface to completion.


Introducing Let Me Hold You ♥ a fresh new 12x12 inch original painting on deep canvas. Find her in my shop where you can choose a 4-part interest-free payment plan. Worldwide Shipping (contact me if you are not seeing your country at checkout and I can make it happen). 

This piece has a large flower embedded in her surface, beneath the first layer of paint (the flower is created from layers of paper), as well as gorgeous texture throughout. Life isn't smooth. We aren't smooth... As we do our life's work, we develop layers of interest and intrigue. We envelop our children and teach them that scars and marks and differences are not wrong, they make us beautiful and one-of-a-kind. This piece is different, absolutely unique and one-of-a-kind. I have never created such an under-surface for one of my paintings. 

She was meant to be here, forged in paint and color and basking in every purple moment. I loved her into creation with over 20 layers of paint and now send her out into the world to bring mindfulness and peace to the family that surrounds the wall or shelf she lives upon ♥ make her yours. See many photos of her texture by clicking into her page.


purple mother and children art, purple paintings, violet lavender artwork, mother child paintings, mom and three kids art




ANOTHER cool thing started today! I’m feeling the need for freshness, ease, playfulness... I’m currently drawn toward washes of color and sketches of line. I have a collection of characters that are waiting to come out, to be seen and make a splash. 


Today starts my Painting A Day project and the first release is below.

I'm releasing the pieces on my Facebook Page - not through email - so keep an eye on this page.


This first painting, titled While I Wait For You..., has SOLD.

These new pieces allow me to play, practice and to teach myself about restraint. NOT spending hour after hour on the same nose or chin. This journey requires touching the surface a little less, to let air and space accompany my figures. To play with water and color.

These new paintings are also a daily opportunity for a collector to get fresh original art for studio-tour prices. With $10 of each purchase going to an organization of the buyer's choice. Think of these as studio-souvenirs, tokens of an artist’s journey after 20 years of work and 1000’s of collectors. These are fresh, playful moments captured, ready to bring light and whimsy into your space.

I’m not sure how many I will create. I’m committing to 12 days (through 2/20), then we’ll see :)
painting on paper, painting of woman with cat, art of woman's back, back view of heavyset woman art, purple orange painting, orange and purple artwork,



Did you miss out on the new painting? I have another super deal going on now with my limited-time Mermaid Print special.


Save $11.00 - $56.00 on these gorgeous prints. Take advantage of this special deal before I close it

mermaid artwork, paintings of mermaids, mermaid painting, mother mermaid with baby mermaid, kmberggren art

Want original paintings or prints of earlier Mermaids? You can find those here.




Thank you and let me know if anything is unclear! I hope you will be as excited about these fun new things as I am!


Love & Sincerely, Katie

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