Let Go To Invite ~ new painting ~ giveaway

katie berggren

I love to clutter bust and space clear. When I feel that I’ve gotten off track energetically, when the interior corners of my mind and the corners in my home are beginning to take on build up, I naturally and automatically plan a re-energize session: I look at my spaces and note what doesn’t belong. I fill a donation box, spin the dining table, rearrange the couches, sort, clean, vacuum, put away… this de-clutter session also affects the to-do list: those things I thought I HAD to do.

The process is invigorating. Lo’ and behold, overwhelm departs and a new peace enters. Like a fresh spring breeze, I begin to feel creative and lightweight again.



It’s Thursday ~ so I have a new original painting to share! It is my joy to have a mini painting in process in the studio each week ~ a little emotion, a little gift, a little practice and warm-up. I offer my newest mini original painting each week on Thursday mornings ~ I am also, always, creating larger original paintings to offer in the Online Studio Shop, as well as commissioned paintings for clients (pre-sold).

Today’s painting is titled Feeling Alive. She is an original painting on chunky 8×8″ canvas ~ she is ready to hang, ready to ship, and will arrive with a small stack of 5×7″ frame-able art cards. Make her yours here.

Feeling Alive by Katie m. Berggren

Feeling Alive by Katie m. Berggren


Feeling Alive by Katie m. Berggren

Feeling Alive by Katie m. Berggren


Remember, there is only ever ONE original of each painting and if you spend over $250 in the Online Studio Shop you get FREE GLOBAL SHIPPING with coupon code SHIPLOVE.

Also, once again, I’m giving away 5 gifts in 5 days ~ one winner per day starting today ~ enter here! ~ the winner chooses the gift!

enter to win

enter to win


Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day! Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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