Kindred Collection #7 ~ Clear Mind ~ Finding Clarity

katie berggren

With all the emotional and intellectual clutter that can reside in one’s head (self-blame, feeling blamed by others, taking things personally, wondering what others think, assuming {of all types}, feeling used…) HOW do we find space and clarity? One way is to let go, physically. If I had abundant clutter in my physical house to match the clutter in my brain (at times), I’d go INSANE. Lickety split, whippety snap. I’d be over the edge, for real.

When the inside of me is a wind storm (when I should probably turn to meditation) I first start with de-cluttering. Seeing less stuff in front of me helps me to find clarity in my brain. A couple of my Shining Life Moments involve giving things away. Seeing a space renewed by relieving it of possessions ~ and finding a lighter soul to match.

The last time I did a big donation from my personal stuff, the resounding peace lasted for days! Even through my car getting rammed by another driver (in the Goodwill drop off, no less!).

What works for you?

I love meditation (I recommend the “10% Happier” podcast and book) but it’s hard to take the time. Do What Works. Creating art can help, going for a walk can work, talking with a good friend helps, cleaning works

What do YOU do to calm the internal storm of beliefs and judgement that can bring an innocent mama to her knees? How do you clear YOUR mind?

This week’s painting is titled Clear Mind – may we find a bit of clarity if only for a few minutes, before noticing and acknowledging our thoughts and feelings. No need to make them go away, they just want to be recognized. And when we surround ourselves with the most beautiful souls, we can teach peace, and find tranquility together. I love this mama and her eager bigs – eager to meet the little one inside

Clear Mind is the 7th painting in my Kindred Collection.

Clear Mind, new original painting by Katie m. Berggren

Clear Mind, new original painting by Katie m. Berggren




ALSO! Pride Of Place the 5th painting in the Kindred Collection remains ready to claim! All of the others have new homes

Pride Of Place, new original mini painting from Katie m. Berggren

I’m shaking things up a bit with the Kindred Collection: I’m not going to show the finished piece until release day (Thursdays). HOWEVER, if you see the progress of a painting on my Instagram or Facebook page and think the painting might be for you – then send me a private message on IG, FB or email (if I do not respond within a few hours, that means I did not get your note and you should send it again). If you ask for first choice, I’ll give you (and others who have asked) a bit of advance notice to decide if she is for you (no pressure), before releasing her to the rest of the world. This is why the painting may be sold before it is released on Thursday. Let me know if you have ANY questions or concerns about this new way.


The next painting in the Kindred Collection will be released NEXT Thursday ~ as soon as possible I will be showing snapshots and video progress on my Instagram and Facebook pages – also my Instagram Stories, which is so fun.

Thank you for taking the time to read along! 

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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