Kindred Collection #4 ~ Fulfilled ~ Finding Balance

katie berggren

I’ve been breathing the act of painting lately ~ stopping to make meals and play with my kids ~ but mostly painting. I’m completely caught up in a couple projects. I wake thinking about painting and I fall asleep thinking about painting. I DRAG myself to the kitchen to make dinner… wishing I were painting.

Somehow, in this active summer, and while managing laundry and dishes and a garden and feeding hungry teenage boys and keeping the house relatively clean… I’m getting a lot of painting done. It’s a blessing and a curse…

I realized last night that my personal care is taking a backseat to painting and life. Yoga, sleep, facial scrubs and masks (which I LOVE), walks alone, sleep, meditation time, gardening, reading, drawing, sleep… they are all being squished out of my day. Neglected. We can only do this so long before we pay. And I don’t want to pay Must. Find. Balance!

How are YOU doing with this? You may not be painting (but maybe you are!!), but you have YOUR passions and work – the activities that you wake up thinking about – shall we try, together, to find balance for ourselves?

Anyway! Here’s my new painting, ha ha!!

Introducing the 4th painting in the Kindred Collection – her name is Fulfilled ~ this original painting is currently available!

She is inspired by a page in the Color Your Love coloring book, thus, she comes with a copy

Fulfilled, brand new original painting from Katie m. Berggren. Fulfilled, brand new original painting from Katie m. Berggren. Fulfilled, brand new original painting from Katie m. Berggren. Fulfilled, brand new original painting from Katie m. Berggren. Fulfilled, brand new original painting from Katie m. Berggren. Fulfilled, brand new original painting from Katie m. Berggren.



The next painting in the Kindred Collection will be released NEXT Thursday ~ as soon as possible I will be showing snapshots and video progress on my Instagram and Facebook pages – also my Instagram Stories, which is so fun.

Here’s how to see Instagram Stories: on your phone, inside the Instagram app, click…

Thank you for taking the time to read along!


I’m not sure I want to create from submitted photos, yet, but I’m keeping my options open. Do you WANT to email me a photo that you’d like to see painted in the Kindred Collection? I’ll give you a free print of the final painting inspired by your photo. That’s just common kindness


Love & Sincerely, Katie


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