Kindred Collection #4 ~ Fulfilled ~ Finding Balance
katie berggrenI’ve been breathing the act of painting lately ~ stopping to make meals and play with my kids ~ but mostly painting. I’m completely caught up in a couple projects. I wake thinking about painting and I fall asleep thinking about painting. I DRAG myself to the kitchen to make dinner… wishing I were painting.
Somehow, in this active summer, and while managing laundry and dishes and a garden and feeding hungry teenage boys and keeping the house relatively clean… I’m getting a lot of painting done. It’s a blessing and a curse…
I realized last night that my personal care is taking a backseat to painting and life. Yoga, sleep, facial scrubs and masks (which I LOVE), walks alone, sleep, meditation time, gardening, reading, drawing, sleep… they are all being squished out of my day. Neglected. We can only do this so long before we pay. And I don’t want to pay Must. Find. Balance!
How are YOU doing with this? You may not be painting (but maybe you are!!), but you have YOUR passions and work – the activities that you wake up thinking about – shall we try, together, to find balance for ourselves?
Anyway! Here’s my new painting, ha ha!!
Introducing the 4th painting in the Kindred Collection – her name is Fulfilled ~ this original painting is currently available!
She is inspired by a page in the Color Your Love coloring book, thus, she comes with a copy
The next painting in the Kindred Collection will be released NEXT Thursday ~ as soon as possible I will be showing snapshots and video progress on my Instagram and Facebook pages – also my Instagram Stories, which is so fun.
Here’s how to see Instagram Stories: on your phone, inside the Instagram app, click…
Thank you for taking the time to read along!
I’m not sure I want to create from submitted photos, yet, but I’m keeping my options open. Do you WANT to email me a photo that you’d like to see painted in the Kindred Collection? I’ll give you a free print of the final painting inspired by your photo. That’s just common kindness
Love & Sincerely, Katie