Kindest Nature – Pink Lemonade – Ayurveda

katie berggren

The 5th Annual Painting On Purpose painting is IN PROCESS and to be released February 6th!

Her name is Kindest Nature. This 24×24” painting will be available for $1382 and all of the money from her sale will go to Pink Lemonade Project.

PLP is improving lives through healing retreats, mentorship and supportive groups in a safe, welcoming environment. PLP was created to provide critical information and loving support to breast cancer survivors who struggle with the emotional and psychological aspects of diagnosis and recovery. Learn more here.

Painting On Purpose #5, In Process, by Katie m. Berggren

So far, Painting On Purpose has allowed me to give $2,869 to four different organizations. This painting alone will give $1382.

I started POP in 2015, inspired by my sweet Grandma Neva who turned 92 on the release of the first painting, she’ll turn 96 when this one is released!

The entire process of Kindest Nature will be shared on my Instagram and Facebook pages. See the details and the previous 4 POP paintings. THANK YOU in advance for your support.


Ayurveda… have you practiced this? It’s nothing new

Over the last ten days I’ve learned so much and have immensely enjoyed studying Ayurveda. Here is someone I’ve loved learning from: Talya From Talya’s website:

Ayurveda is the science of life, or science of the self. Over 5000 years old, originating from India, yoga is its sister science. Deepak Chopra says it best: “More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vibrant and healthy while realizing their full human potential.”

I’m learning about dehydration and how water isn’t enough. I’m learning about digestible foods, spices, salt and what my body needs.

I’d LOVEEE to hear YOUR experiences! Please share!! Thank you

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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