Inspiration from Jurgen Wolff: creating a Done List
katie berggrenI am honored to receive a monthly update from Jurgen Wolff ~ it is one of few emails that I actually read and re-read, vs. toss. Here is what I felt most inspired by from Jurgen’s most recent note:

Blessings by Katie m. Berggren ~ choose archival prints of Blessings in the online shop!
If your days seem to disappear, start a “done” list to find out where they go
I use a to-do list but often things come up that need to be handled but aren’t on the list. At the end of busy days I sometimes wonder where the time went. Not very many of the items on my to-do list have been crossed off. One helpful tool in this situation is the “done” list. It’s exactly what the name suggests: a list of the things you do, jotted down as you complete them.
If you look at your to-do and done lists after a few days, you’ll probably come to one of these conclusions:
• You’re letting yourself be distracted by too many not very important things (these won’t be on your to-do list but will be on your done list).
• You’re forgetting to put important things on your to-do list (again, these will show up on your done list).
ACTION: If your time seems to vanish, try keeping a done list for a few days and then see which of the two conclusion above applies to your situation. Brainstorm a strategy for deflecting the unimportant tasks, or better planning the important ones.
above text: ©Jurgen Wolff,
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Add your comment to THIS blog post throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday ~ come back to see if it is you ~ or be sure to include your contact info in your comment.
Love & Sincerely, Katie
above image: Blessings by Katie m. Berggren ~ choose archival prints of Blessings in the online shop!