Humble Beginnings… In Your Dreams

katie berggren

When we purchased our home, 7 years ago, we made sure it had a den/office with a big window, a space that would become my studio. It is better than I imagined, with double doors and a lovely neighborhood view. Before this house, I painted in my laundry room (though I never told anyone that), squeezed between the sink and the dryer. Before that – the kitchen table.

Humble Beginnings by Katie m. Berggren

I believe that we can (& MUST!) make our amazing and worthwhile creations anywhere. Be it using a sewing machine, a laptop, paints and brushes, glue and paper, food… the rest of the world NEEDS us to create. Why wait?

It seems logical sometimes to wait for our ‘ideal’ location before we begin, but why not get going wherever you can make room? I come from humble beginnings, and am forever grateful for the space I have now. It is simple, but it is my space to create.

We have moved our kids’ desks into the studio space as well – I have less room now, but we can all create together, which is nice.

When I was working at my kitchen table, years ago, I felt penned-in, as though my giant intentions were squashed into a small space that I had to clean up each night after working. See the above painting!

But this little space did the job, it got me started and before too long I realized that I could probably find a better place to work if I just did a little brain-storming and a little reorganization of my home. It worked. I cleaned up the laundry room and found my first ‘studio’. I am forever grateful for the spaces I found to create ~ and for the willingness to create wherever I could find space.

“Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic” ~ John Henry Lowett


What do YOU think? Are you waiting for a special space to call your own? Maybe you should just go and make it… today!

Above image: Humble Beginnings, a VERY early KmBerggren mini painting (collection of me!)


Also, this week’s new original mini painting is called In Your Dreams ~ this original piece has SOLD, because a collector who saw her on Facebook (before she was completely done) asked to claim her.

YOU can do this too… if you ever see a piece in process (I post on Facebook and Instagram) and feel a connection, don’t hesitate to ask if you can snag her. I’ll let you know if someone else has already done so, or if the piece is a commissioned piece.

In Your Dreams by Katie m. Berggren

In Your Dreams by Katie m. Berggren

Get yourself an art print of In Your Dreams, here.


Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie


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