Help Me Name Her ♥ A new Graceful Nature painting

Help Me Name Her ♥ A new Graceful Nature painting


The space around my heart quivers with eagerness to release these 15 new women to you. The Graceful Nature Collection is complete, all the paintings are now finished, and I'm putting everything into place for the release on Tuesday.

Be notified of the release of The Graceful Nature Collection.


3 Days Of Grace begins Tuesday, August 6th 
3 days of gifts, raffles & donations


I'll release all 15 paintings at 11am PST, and the first raffle drawing will take place at 6pm (I'll email the winner). No purchase necessary to enter, do so here: (raffle entries are separate from this email list, you have to enter specifically at the link above)


Help Me Name This New Painting ♥


Here is one of the newest pieces, and I'd love for you to help me name her. I've narrowed her name down to two finalists, which one do you love most? 

 ~ Your Spirit Is Your Compass, or

~ Let Intuition Be Your Guide

Email me with your opinion :) Her story is below.


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Toe-testing the possibilities, then one brave step after another, day by day. The world is opening to you – guided by your heart. What once seemed closed off can begin now. What was impossible or just too much, suddenly welcomes your bright eyes, your trusting and fearless strides. Those around you are witnesses to your growth. You tap into resources dormant for so long – to reveal you can still do it.

Grab hold of that ribbon bobbing before you, take it gently in hand and take your steps. Your path may shift, assume new shapes, change entirely; let intuition be your guide; your spirit is your compass.


3 Days Of Grace details:


DAY 1: August 6th

11am PST: all paintings will be released

1) Each original painting purchased between 11am-6pm will include a custom original handmade family line drawing, inspired by the buyer's family. See samples.


2) Each original painting purchased will include 10 Raffle Entries valid for all 6 Raffle Draws over 3 days. 


3) Each original painting purchased will include the Collection ebook!


4) A percentage of Graceful Nature purchases will be gifted to an organization caring for mothers and/or children.


6pm PST: 2 Raffle Drawings



DAY 2 & 3: August 7th & 8th

2), 3) & 4) from above

6pm PST: 2 Raffle Drawings each evening


paintings of women, new artist paintings, original art on canvas, wall art for women, wall decor inspirational women, inspiration paintings of girls, motherhood art, motherhood paintings, paintings of mom and baby, inner child paintings, artwork for  moms, warm art, motivational art with stories, artwork with a story, kmberggren, km berggren, katie m berggren, kim berggren, kimberggren art, paintings by kmberggren,


Wishing you a peaceful and inspirational end to your week. Let me know if there is anything I can create for you.


Love & Sincerely, 



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