Hardbound Inspiration Painting Books ~ just a few left

katie berggren

Hardbound inspiration painting books are here!

~Featuring 21 full color Intimate Motherhood paintings by Katie m. Berggren

~Autographed and perfect for reflection and sharing. 6×8 inches by 3/8″ thick.

~This book has a sturdy cover and lovely vellum fly sheets at the front and back.

♥ Pull your super cute 6×8″ book from your purse, diaper bag or bed-side table ~ and take a moment to breathe in 21 intimate moments that make Motherhood purposeful and special.
♥ A great girlfriend-mama gift ~ stocking stuffer ~ new mother blessing ~ doula or midwife thank you.

Your hardbound book will ship via Priority Mail (for U.S. buyers), arrive to your hands wrapped in bubble wrap and shipped in a stiff mailer ~ for extra protection ~ and including a full color postcard and free full color 5×7 art card.

ENJOY! There are just a few left in this first run of books, so go GET YOURS Here!

Have a wonderful Thursday,

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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