I want to thank and honor all of the amazing women and mothers that I am connected with.
I am whole-heartedly blessed everyday to communicate with you via email and on the Facebook page.
WHOLE-heartedly. THANK you.
I have a little gift for you ~ it is tricky to come up with something that I can give over the internet ~
but here is a little something you can print and use and enjoy.
I’ve created some printable Recipe Cards for you ~ click the image above to access them. (or here)
I have created these for you, 3 per page on an 8 1/2 by 11 document, so you can print them onto cardstock,
cut them out and begin saving your favorite treats.
It’s a small gift, I know, but hopefully a little token of how much I appreciate you.
If you are a mama, I hope you get treated like sunshine today.
Love, Katie