Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mothers Day

I want to thank and honor all of the amazing women and mothers that I am connected with.
I am whole-heartedly blessed everyday to communicate with you via email and on the Facebook page.
WHOLE-heartedly. THANK you.

I have a little gift for you ~ it is tricky to come up with something that I can give over the internet ~
but here is a little something you can print and use and enjoy.

printable recipe cards from Katie m. Berggren

printable recipe cards from Katie m. Berggren

I’ve created some printable Recipe Cards for you ~ click the image above to access them. (or here)

I have created these for you, 3 per page on an 8 1/2 by 11 document, so you can print them onto cardstock,
cut them out and begin saving your favorite treats.

It’s a small gift, I know, but hopefully a little token of how much I appreciate you.

If you are a mama, I hope you get treated like sunshine today.

Love, Katie


Related Images:

[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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