this recipe courtesy of my littlest’s pre-school. I made them a cookie sheet-sized man for snack a couple weeks ago – and what do you know, after they decorated him and put him in the oven, he escaped and they searched all over the school for him! They found him in their classroom, and munched him.
“Cooking is like love.
It should be entered into
with abandon
or not at all.”
~Harriet Van Horne
(wanna hear something crazy? I searched online for quotes about baking with children and very quickly landed on a page with quotes about cooking children, hmmm)
Holiday Cards are now available!
3 styles of Holiday Cards are now available ~
head on over to the online shop to grab some! (while supplies last, of course)
It’s Free Cards Friday! Add your comment to THIS blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday.
Have a great weekend,
Love & Sincerely, Katie