Gathering Stuff, What? ♥ 2 New Paintings!

Gathering Stuff, What? ♥ 2 New Paintings!


I have two new original paintings to share! You can see them below, but first:


Something that has made me so happy lately is my local Buy Nothing group on Facebook. I’m a new member.


This may seem strange coming from a self-proclaimed minimalist… but I have been gathering stuff from others for days! 


It is so against my nature, shopping people’s porches and making a pile in my garage but let me tell you why I’m doing it!


My friend Jen and I are getting ready to set up a transitional apartment for a family coming in off the street. They will need EVERYTHING. When I saw the list my blood ran a little cold because of the anticipated expense of it all. 

But I have more blessings than the family does, and I’m happy to help.


I’m passionate about not wasting; reusing, reducing, recycling, and not throwing things into the landfill. And don’t even get me started on the packaging! The block foam and plastic, UGH.


(Have you seen the Netflix documentary called Buy Now? It’s a good one, I recommend it. It caused even more of a shift in both mine and my husband’s minds.)


So… it occurred to me that many of the items for the apartment could be gently used second-hand. The dishes, the silverware, the crockpot. All things that could be well-washed.


Purchasing from Goodwill is good, but I can’t be sure *what* exactly those things were used for… you know what I mean?


Here’s where the Buy Nothing group comes in – being given items from people who (I assume mostly) have been the only owners of these things.


 I’m careful and I’m particular, 

but I have TOTALLY SCORED so far!!


A crockpot, dishes, silverware, a toaster, a coffee maker, a knife set... I imagine I’ve saved over $300 and saved so many things from either being tossed into the trash, or from gathering dust in a thrift store back room.


Plus, I’m chatting with people online, helping them de-clutter (always good), and every pickup is within 6 minutes of my house. Woohoo! I’m floored by the generosity of my Buy Nothing neighbors. And this adventure has given me a rush of comradery, joy, resourcefulness and service.


AND, we are preventing so much waste from packaging, and that makes me happy.


AND, all of the items will be delivered to the apartment and set up in February, so I don’t have to survive long with the piles – considering piles of things give me cold sweats 😊


Tell me, have you searched for YOUR local BN group yet? I’m stunned at what people give and receive.


I’ve seen people ask to receive offered bottles of vitamins that have only a couple removed. 


I’ve seen a woman ASK for a piece of workout equipment and quickly get a response from someone – “I have one! I’ll message you!”


I’ve seen people offer and find takers for a HALF-EATEN cake! 

I really enjoy seeing all the posts!


If you DO participate in FB buying/giving opportunities, please always be mindful of meeting up with strangers.


Trust your instincts, meet in public places if you feel it is necessary. Tell someone else where you are going and who you are going to see. Please take care.


The first day of this adventure, I was BUBBLING over with joy and gratitude for the generosity of others. Riding a WAVE of “People are awesome! Everyone is awesome!” but then had to remind myself that that is not true – not EVERYONE has our best interests in mind. A wave of joy can also make you forget to be mindful and diligent.




Anyhoo - here are the brand new paintings!

Faithful To This and Healing Joy are two new original paintings that I created in December. I’m contemplating an upcoming collection release, and am building the artwork for that, too.


mother holding sleeping toddler on her shoulder, flower hair wreath, naked baby bum, purple and blue expressive family art, mother and child painting, mama and baby art, gift for new mom, new baby art decor for nursery


Faithful To This ~ Message from the Artist: The pull of the moment, the child, the need. We have so much going on in our days, a task on every corner, a chore in every room. But the call of the small one outweighs the needs of the material world.


mother holding sleeping toddler on her shoulder, flower hair wreath, naked baby bum, purple and blue expressive family art, mother and child painting, mama and baby art, gift for new mom, new baby art decor for nursery





Healing Joy ~ Message from the Artist: The eager and simple contentedness flowing from these children as they bask in the safety of their mother, billows out happy and loving vibes. May their expressions of effortless connection speak to you, too! A reminder that what we all need isn't expensive, intricate or shameful; it is touch, connection, someone to hear us, someone to see us, someone to play along. We can nearly hear the chattering of these little cherubs ♥





Wishing you a beautiful week's end ♥

Love & Sincerely,



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