free shipping, art shop, prints of paintings, art for mom, motherhood art, mommy baby paintings, mommy baby art

Free Shipping - Shipping Delays


Holiday shipping delays are coming, and I want us BOTH to be on top of them, in FRONT of them! Sitting pretty while the chaos passes us by :)


Thus, I'm doing my yearly Free USA Shipping for the holidays early. Starting now, through November 12. Get free shipping on any order of $40+ with code: HOLIDAY.


One-of-a-kind Original Paintings won't last, and 2022 Calendars are dwindling away. Let's plan ahead to avoid stress. We've all had enough struggle to last us for a few years.


free shipping, art shop, prints of paintings, art for mom, motherhood art, mommy baby paintings, mommy baby art



2022 Motherhood Keepsake Art Calendars
are ready to ship!

Members of my private Facebook Community Group
are getting a special offer today,
want to join us?



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keepsake calendar 2022, family art calendar, planner for mom, calendar for moms 2022, art calendar, collectible calendar kmberggren mother child art, mom baby paintings



Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful week's end.
Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy.
Love & Sincerely, Katie



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