Free Shipping for 3 days ~ The Healing You Can Do… artwork complete!
katie berggrenEvery year at this time I give you Free Shipping for Mother’s Day ~ it starts NOW and lasts for 3 days. Use code MOTHER19.
Shop here for unique gifts that last a lifetime,
bringing daily reminders of peace… and of why we work so hard
Motherhood Coloring books make GREAT girlfriend gifts, and I have a few available original paintings on canvas, ready to ship

Also… The Healing You Can Do artwork is complete!! All 19 paintings have been completed, scanned, varnished, signed and wrapped up. The book is in the final steps of layout and will be heading to the printer soon.
Pre-Order will hopefully be available – please let me know if this is something you would be interested in so that we can gauge interest!
Thank you for reading along – I hope you have a wonderful week’s end!
Love & Sincerely, Katie