Wow, 13 commenters on the Free Cards Friday Blog Post – you guys impress me. Thank you, that was fun. Because there were 13, I decided to give cards to 2 winners, vs 1
I wrote all of the names down on a piece of paper and called out to my 4 year old to give me two numbers, those were the winners. Clever, eh?
The winners were Robin and Penny ~ Penny’s cards are going into today’s mail, and I am waiting to get Robin’s mailing address. She’s my step-sister, and I adore her.
Above Image: I’m working further on this painting of the mother reading with her sleeping child – taking a moment to herself and enjoying the quite time.
Below Image: As I turned off my studio light and headed to bed the other night, I was inspired to grab the camera and snap this picture out my front window. Before I could take another one, I heard my baby calling me from upstairs. This is the only photo I was able to take, but when I downloaded it today I realized how lovingly it represents a (blurry) spring evening. Almost like a painting.
So, I thought I’d share it
I hope we all have a great week ~ tomorrow, I will have a progress shot for you of Thursday’s 10×10 painting – there is dancy movement in this one I know how much you (and I) like that dancy movement:)
Love & Sincerely, Katie