Free Cards Winner ~ Two Years Ago While Painting Motherhood

Wow ~ I can hardly believe that this blog has been active for a bit over two years. What a fun ride it has been…

Two Years Ago While Painting Motherhood: Crush, Johnny Cash and Jason Mraz
…I use Jason Mraz ( as an example – in his song I’m Yours (which I have recently added to my ipod and have been listening to over and over) he uses the words “reckon” and “bestest” in the same sentence – the fact that he can use “bestest” and grace us by tucking his laugh into the song a couple times just pleases me! He is showing me his personality and lack of insecurity, and I’m responding by wanting to hear his whole collection… read more

Today ~ I am still enamored when I can hear an artist sigh, breath, smile or laugh in the midst of their song ~ with these touches they offer a raw and real piece of themselves… I keep that in mind while painting. Art, to me ~ be it music or visual ~ can change perspectives and open hearts ~ when it is true, honest, and comes straight from the soul. My heart is dancing as I write this ~ because painting with an honest spirit and a true, raw need to create is like a drug for me…

image to left: a sneak peek at a detail from Nurture, one of Thursday’s 8×10 Painting releases into The Expanded Visions Collection

The Expanded Visions Collection ~ 20-40 small paintings exploring Vision and Spontaneity ~ inspired by simple phrases and words determined ideal enough to place on my Vision Board ~ then unfolded, visually, onto deep 8×10 canvases to share. Learn More

The Free Cards Winner for Last Week is Liz! Thank you all for playing ~ let’s do it again this Friday.

Have a great week,

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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