Free Cards Winner ~ Happy Hour ~ New Studio Pics Coming Soon!
katie berggrenWell, it is the start of a new week and I feel a bit lost without a half-done 10×10 on my studio counter But very filled up from all of the wonderful feedback and notes I have received ~ thank you all so much for your very kind support – and for so many of you that followed the 8×8 and 10×10 journey right from the beginning!
I have a new commissioned painting that I have been waiting to share with you, it is Happy Hour: you know that moment when a hard-working mama comes home from work to the greetings and touch of her two adoring children? That is what this is, Happy Hour. She leaves the dark busy-ness behind and steps into the light of time with her little ones. I love this painting, not because it came from my studio, but because there is a light in it – and there is a light in the family I created it for, too. Thank you B.E.!

We had a great Free Cards Friday this last week – several new faces and lots of those who have provided continued support. The Free Cards Winner for last week is Woman Uncensored! Thank you all for playing and don’t forget ~ we will do it again this Friday, too.
This last weekend my husband was away, so like I always do when he’s gone, I try to get as much accomplished as possible! I completely redid my studio, which involved stripping and painting a lovely new (old) piece of furniture I purchased at a second-hand store, and completely refinishing my desk and the kids’ craft table top. The feeling I get when I walk in here is now one of success and motivation, vs exhaustion and frustration. I share my studio with my two boys, and our pet rat, but it needed to come back to at least looking like mine (I love their company, just not their mess).
Love & Sincerely, Katie
~Henri Frederic Amiel