Free Cards Winner | From Painting to Mosaic!

katie berggren
A few months ago I was approached by Hahn Truong, an artist and mother in Melbourne, Australia. She is the mother of 2, and creates beautiful mosaic art as a hobby (a hobby that has also brought her some sales). She asked permission to use one of my paintings, Here & Now as inspiration for a piece she was entering into the Creativity Unlocked show.

Recently, she has touched base with me again, showing the finished piece and letting me know that her lovely work resulted in a 2nd place People’s Choice Award. Great Job Hahn!

Hahn Truong’s Mosaic of Here & Now

The Original Here & Now painting
To fit with the theme of the exhibit, Hahn has titled her piece “Key To My Heart”. You may see more information about her exhibit at the Town Hall Gallery in Australia here:

Here are Hahn’s words:

As a mother of 2 young ones, I was especially drawn to ‘Here & Now’.
In the midst of a hectic life as a working mother and wife, your ‘Here & Now’ captured a precious moment that I sometimes get with my children. And that is why I came to mosaic it.
As my project requires me to incorporate a key and a lock, I have titled it ‘Key to my heart’. It illustrates how having my own children makes me feel. It feels like a key has open a new kind of love that is so complete and selfless. I think only a mother understands this love.

I mainly mosaic work to hang on the wall or vases. In terms of material used, I love using glass and incorporating tiny tiles in all my work.

I find Hahn’s work inspiring.

The Free Cards Winner for last week is Tricia. Have a wonderful week everyone.
Love & Sincerely,Katie

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