Free Cards Winner | From Painting to Mosaic!
katie berggrenRecently, she has touched base with me again, showing the finished piece and letting me know that her lovely work resulted in a 2nd place People’s Choice Award. Great Job Hahn!

As a mother of 2 young ones, I was especially drawn to ‘Here & Now’.
In the midst of a hectic life as a working mother and wife, your ‘Here & Now’ captured a precious moment that I sometimes get with my children. And that is why I came to mosaic it.
As my project requires me to incorporate a key and a lock, I have titled it ‘Key to my heart’. It illustrates how having my own children makes me feel. It feels like a key has open a new kind of love that is so complete and selfless. I think only a mother understands this love.
I mainly mosaic work to hang on the wall or vases. In terms of material used, I love using glass and incorporating tiny tiles in all my work.
The Free Cards Winner for last week is Tricia. Have a wonderful week everyone.
Love & Sincerely,Katie