Free Cards Winner (for last week, too) ~ Blurring The Lines
katie berggren
I now have a painting in my studio that I haven’t laid eyes on for a couple years, as it has been featured at the salon of a friend. I felt ready to bring her back into the public eye ~ Blurring The Lines was created in July of 2007, on board, and is framed. She is currently listed at $250, and is sized at 20×24″. Wow ~ that’s an early price!
I am going to contemplate re-working parts of her ~ because it is hard for me to leave well-enough alone but at the same time, I like her airiness. I especially like her little breast.
The Free Cards Winner for last week is: Suzanne, and last week’s winner (since I realized I never posted her name) is: Catherine!
I am working on the two new 8x10s for this Thursday ~ Original 8×10 Releases for The Expanded Visions Collection a new series of 8×10 paintings Learn More.
You’ll find sneak peek images of the two 8x10s tomorrow on the Facebook page.