Free Cards Winner ~ Flood Clothing, Portland Oregon

katie berggren
I must sing the praises of a young woman in Portland who inspires, loves and creates beautiful clothing: Nicole Flood of Flood Clothing.
Let me tell you: I met Nicole 1 year and a half ago when my mom, sister and I meandered through the Portland Saturday Market on a Sunday afternoon.
What struck me instantly about Nicole was her warmth, caring and creativity. She touches you, both physically and spiritually as you enter her booth. And she is a young mother fulfilling her passion to create engaging and amazing clothing out of recycled materials!

“My clothing line represents the infinite creative possibilities that exist in the world around us. The foundation of my clothing line will always be defined by 100% recycled materials. Each time I collect a piece of clothing at a second hand shop, I immediately get a feeling from that garment of what its next form will be. I love the inspiration each garment presents. There is always a jumping point; a graphic, a style line, some kind of clue as to what the garment is to become.” Nicole Flood
My mom bought my sister a hat that day for her birthday, and I was enamored by the 16 hat designs Flood Clothing offered, and she was happy to help visitors decide between (She now offers 30 hat styles, see women’s styles here ).
Ever since, I have wanted to own one of Flood Clothing’s beautiful hats, and I am not the purchase-making type.

I have always wanted to be a “hat-wearer” because I love the option of completely covering up my hair, but I have NEVER found one that suits me, feels like me, or gives me genuine confidence. I even purchased one from Whole Foods Market once, proud of the deal I got, but then took it back the next day when I read “Made in China” on the tag.

Flood Clothing hats are made just across the state from me.
3 times since then I have been back to the Portland Saturday Market and have missed the Flood Clothing booth.

On Mother’s Day, however, my mom and sister and I were back bumbling around the market and there it was. As soon as I walked in I was again taken aback by the love, honesty, spirit of giving, and confidence of this woman.

She helped me to pick out my beautiful hat! (someday I will have a photo of me wearing it, most likely during the English Estate Winery Art Fair in July) And despite the fact that I waffled between two, and some told me the second one was cuter, Nicole helped me to realize why I couldn’t help but be drawn to a simple green hat with the words “I Like Watching” printed comfortably across the top. I am a serious watcher (isn’t every artist?) and these words fit me to a T!

I invite you and encourage you to view the Flood Clothing website to experience the inspiration and heart – many items are available online, and I can’t imagine you to be less than satisfied with the creations of Nicole.

above image: Believe

The Free Cards Winner for last week is: Faerwillow! Yay ~ and thank you all for playing!

Have a wonderful week,

Love & Sincerely ~ Katie

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