Free Cards Winner | Day Dream ~ a bit of Present, a bit of Past ~ the Final Available Painting in The 40 Minis Collection

katie berggren
Day Dream, 10×10 Original Acrylic on Canvas, $120

Some of my early work (before I became a mother) consisted of birds and trees, eggs, flowers and the life of nature in general. As my first son began to grow, my interests turned to creating artwork based on nurture, protection and closeness.

When I began creating Day Dream, I found myself tapping into those wild branchy detailed nests from my past ~ and pairing that nest with the smooth, pearly infant from my current work.

He or she is the egg; is the future; the possibility; and nature in general.

Day Dream was the second painting created for The Forty Minis Collection, and is currently the ONLY ONE of 40 paintings remaining as available for purchase.

Let me know if you have any questions.


The Free Cards Winner for last week is: Kelly ~ thank you for playing!

Have a great week,

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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