Free Cards Friday | Two Years Ago While Painting Motherhood: Priorities & Conquering Excuses

Two Years Ago While Painting Motherhood
Two years ago I shared this post, containing an article that I still find very valuable today.
Priorities, Conquering Excuses & 3 Paintings in Process
The below article, first posted in the Fine Art Views Daily Newsletter, rang true with me and so I requested permission to share it with you.Time and time again I, as an artist and friend, hear similar statements from others whom I believe have an incredible talent to change the world. NOTE: While reading, please substitute “art” for any passion or career-direction that suits you – photography, knitting, medicine, business… Continue Reading
It’s Free Cards Friday ~ Add your note or insight to this blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday. Come back on Tuesday to see if the winner is YOU!
Have a GREAT and creative weekend ~
Love & Sincerely, Katie

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