Free Cards Friday & Show Some Emotion Exhibit at Sixth Street Gallery
katie berggrenIt’s Free Cards Friday! Comment on this post (here at the blog or on my Facebook page) and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday.
March 2010: Sixth Street Gallery presents thought-provoking work from artists throughout the nation and Canada in an exhibit that urged artists to expose their emotions: raw and elemental, intriguing and coy; shy and gentle; intense and earth-shattering.
The Show Some Emotion Show opens March 3 at Sixth Street Gallery in Vancouver, WA ~ I had the honor of Art Directing this show as well as coordinating the jury.
What a beautiful show, I can’t wait to see it.
Featuring the work of:
Corey Pennington
Laurel Pollock
Sharon L. Dowis
Yisa Akinbolaji
Dele Mercier
David Sommers
Chuck Drumm
Robert McWilliams
Catherine Harold
Susan Pemberton
Elena Morales
Andrew McGrath
Daniel Wickwire
Barbara Paanakker
Lacey Kyungeun Kim
Joseph York
I will, unfortunately, miss the Opening Reception on Friday, March 5 from 5-9pm but hope you will attend if you are local. I will return to American soil on March 6, and will plan to come see the show shortly after that.
The opening event will feature the live and beautiful music of northwest singer/songwriter Mila Polevia
Love & Sincerely, Katie
above images: Show Some Emotion postcard design by Sam MacKenzie
Here & Now will be on display at Show Some Emotion, as well as Flu Baby.