Free Cards Friday ~ managing morning time ~ Upcoming Camas WA event and Special Offer

katie berggren
It seems one day I can feel completely on top of everything – ahead of the game – everything in place and completely caught up… but it is just a matter of days until I feel like I’m completely behind!

I continue to take advantage of those morning moments before we are dressed, to get the bathroom cleaned, the laundry started and some miscellaneous things taken care of. That time before we actually get started on the day seem to almost be secret, forgotten moments. The boys are rambling about and playing, not yet hungry, not yet needing me, and I find this a beautiful time of day

Up, a painting by Katie m. Berggren I refer you to a blog post from September 11, 2009 about Procrastination discussing making the most of this “Pajama Time” before the day gets started.

UPCOMING EVENT: July 10 & 11 will bring the talked-about English Estate Winery Art & Wine Fair in Camas, WA and I will be honored to have a booth there with paintings, prints, cards and charms. Details at
If you are local, I hope to see you there, and if you mention this blog post, you can get 1 free print when you purchase 2. Everyone else has to purchase 4 to get a free one (print must be of equal or lesser value, of course)

above image: Up, a painting created in November of 2006

It’s Free Cards Friday! Comment on THIS blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday.

Have a great Friday,
Love & Sincerely ~ Katie

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