Free Cards Friday, Healthy Skin for Busy Mothers: Dry Brushing with Zen Zen Plenty

I am honored to share with you an article by my very own KLiK sister, Kerri of Zen Zen Plenty. As a generous holiday gift, Kerri provided me with some handmade bath salts and a lovely natural bristle brush.

Here is Kerri’s post on Dry Brushing to maintain Healthy Skin ~ stay healthy Mama!


Dry Brushing Brushes, photo by Kerri Altom
Dry Brushing Brushes, photo by Kerri Altom

We’re trying to have better habits in the new year. That usually means restrictions or feeling daunted in the face of our big goals.  For me, it can feel discouraging.  It’s just a few days into the new year, and I already need a little indulgence.  Here’s one of my favorites, and instead of undermining my wellness goals, this indulgence serves them.

Dry skin brushing is often praised as a magic detoxing cure-all.  It’s not.  The gentle, circular scrubbing of a dry, natural bristle brush head to toe, including face and neck, won’t make me look 10 pounds thinner or 10 years younger.  But, it doesn’t have to be a miracle to be valuable.

Dry brushing definitely helps to exfoliate top layers of dry, dull skin.  And, it does seem to help the body’s skin and lymphatic system, two parts of the body always working hard to rid the body of toxins.  But best of all, it is a nurturing ritual that offers a few quiet moments of self-care.  Bottom line, dry brushing is pleasant and basically free.  It’s great for women and men.  I know when I do it regularly my skin looks better and I feel healthier.

Here’s how it’s done… (READ MORE ABOUT DRY BRUSHING!)



 You may just find more posts that inspire you on Zen Zen Plenty, enjoy!

It’s Free Cards Friday! Add your comment to THIS blog post throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday ~ come back to see if it is you ~ or be sure to include your contact info in your comment.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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