Free Cards Friday ~ Giving A Second Chance

katie berggren
About ten years ago (yikes!) I told myself I was going to start getting up early in the morning to exercise. On the first day of my new “routine”, I drug myself out of bed, put on my tennis shoes and hit the treadmill. I hated it, everything about it, so it ended there.

Ever since then, I have just written it off as something that I can’t do – the whole getting up early thing, in order to work or have “me” time. Crazy that I assumed that it would still not work for me without even giving it another shot. I was afraid I would let myself down if I tried again because for some reason I feel like if I do something, I should make it a routine and do it everyday. Not sure where that came from.

3 weeks ago I gave it another shot, with some changes. At 5:30am I went straight to my teakettle, and with tea and water canteen I headed to the studio to paint. Tiptoeing on the quietest feet, so as not to wake the sleeping children upstairs.

From the first quiet sip of tea, I knew I would like this. I painted silently for nearly an hour before I heard the first yawn and stretch of my soft warm boys upstairs. I finished a painting, and finished another one the following day (I had two that I was having trouble putting the finishing touches on during the busy days).

Another difference about this new try is that I am giving myself permission to miss a day – if I am up in the middle of the night more than once with my kiddos, I give myself permission to turn off the 5:40am alarm. Because I am being kinder to myself, I am finding that I look forward to standing at the sink while my wonderful electric teakettle works for me – quickly steaming me up a serving or two of tea water.

This experience has been eye-opening for me. Getting my “me” and quiet time out of the way early helps me to be a better mom during the day. Getting some painting or writing (I’m writing a book, but who isn’t?!) done early helps me feel some success.

I wonder how often we keep from giving experiences a second chance because of an earlier failure?

above image: Pause

It’s Free Cards Friday! Comment on THIS blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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