Free Cards Friday ~ Do Something Now

katie berggren

I’ve had company this week, and a cold, and with this came an urge to not work ~ but to visit instead ~ catching up, reliving and learning about the past ~ pouring over old-old photos and relaxing and taking care of the family.

It has been great (minus the nose-blowing), except for the fact that I had not painted for several days (which generally leads to a special type of depression) and I began to find all of my faults ~ picking out all the things I am not doing, or that aren’t working (the rain doesn’t help, either). I’m not getting enough rest, exercise, meditation, water or time alone. I don’t like my haircut and my brows are in desperate need of a shaping :).

Sometimes, while not feeling well (emotionally and/or physically) I get the feeling that there might be a lesson hiding ~ something that I am meant to realize before I can climb up out of the dumps. Last night, I looked at my mental list and groaned, then “promised” to do something or maybe everything tomorrow…

But, as my soul sunk and my regret-for-so-much grew, I decided to do something right now, versus adding everything to the list for the next day. And even though I would be setting myself up for a shortage of sleep, I would already be on my way back up from the dumps ~ and maybe that was the lesson this time ~ do something now!

So I painted. And the act of painting nourished me, and the painting that arrived speaks of nurturing. Nurture is one of the words on my Vision Board, and although I meant for it to imply the tending of one’s family and children, I realize that taking time to nurture the self is vastly important in rebuilding the ability to take care of others.

Painting is my meditation and the way that I nurture myself.

In my feverish launch to paint – I started this painting upside down! (I had previously wired the canvas) So this painting will have ghost holes. But I guess there is a lesson in that, too.

And… I’m feeling much, much better today.

Nurture (above) will be the next painting released (next Thursday) into the The Expanded Visions Collection. Learn More

It’s Free Cards Friday! Add your note or insight to this blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday.

Love & Sincerely ~ Katie

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