Free Cards Friday ~ Do It Day ~ Something to Ponder

katie berggren
We are spiritual beings having a human experience…

…this is what was printed on the tag of my 5:40am cup of super green tea… this gives me warm and curious ponderisms

Today is DO-IT Day at my house again. Cleaning out the coat/canvas closet, sorting through clothes, doing laundry, dishes and toy managing.

I have a painting I’m itching to work on and finish this weekend ~ and two more to ship, the studio is busy. But there are times when it hits me that I cannot move forward until I do some space-clearing – and this is one of those days.

I summoned my most delighted voice when telling my boys it was Do-it Day today (! yay, smile, cool!) They helped me for about 15 minutes and are now DOing a whole lot of happy playing in their bedrooms. This works for me, too

Do you ever feel this way? Where you can’t physically, emotionally or professionally move forward until you have a bodacious cleaning and clutter flinging session?

It’s Free Cards Friday! Comment on THIS blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

BELOW: the 4 available 10x10s in The Forty Minis Collection

Time Well Spent

Day Dream


Early Rise

You can find these while available in the Online Etsy Shop.

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