Free Cards Friday | A Simple Regret of My Own | Mother Regret | Biking

As a proud mama of two little boys ~ I have gratefully had the opportunity in my life to be able to breastfeed, babywear, co-sleep, bubble bath with my boys and many, many, many other activities that come along as joys when raising a child.

I do have a regret though. Off the top of my head it might be the only regret I have:

When I was a little girl, my mom used to occasionally strap me into a simple seat on the back of her bike, and off we’d go. I do not have more than one or two memories of being behind her as she road, and the wibbly-wobbly feeling while she was off the bike and I was on ~ as she either prepared to remove me from my seat, or had just buckled me in. Funny how we can remember bits of motion. I must have been around 2 years old.

baby on bike, photo found onlineWell, when our boys were very young, we lived in a town with lots and lots of hills, and very little opportunity to jump on the bike and ‘off we go!’ Thus, my boys will NOT have a memory of being strapped at my back as we encountered biking adventures. I honestly feel sad about this.

When I was a little girl, I used to imagine what it would be like to strap my kids in the backseat of the car and go for a drive. I remember the thrill I got the first time I was allowed to take two little boys I babysat to a wedding with me (uh, yah, that was nearly a mistake ~ two little boys to a wedding by myself?! Holy cow) I looked in the rearview mirror as I drove ever-so-carefully and felt those feelings of protection, responsibility and reliability. I realized that those sweet little boys in my car with their socks pulled off, sleeping soundly were a little half-way point between my stuffed animals on my pretend-car bed, and my own sweet little boys whose feet now nearly touch the floor in the backseat.

Anyway, I digress. If when I’m growing old and my boys are tending to me, and the only regret I have is not taking them on a co-bike ride when they were young, then life will have been sweet.


Hey Mamas ~ is there something that you always *knew* you’d do with your own little ones *someday* but haven’t done or didn’t get to do?

It’s Free Cards Friday! Add your comment to THIS blog post throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday ~ come back to see if it is you ~ or be sure to include your contact info in your comment.

Love & Sincerely ~ Katie

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