Free Cards Friday ~ 17 Children with Paints (in my garage) – Oh My!
katie berggrenA group of myself and 6 additional mothers from our elementary school have decided to keep in touch and keep our children inspired this summer with some pre-planned activity days.
Our activity dates include Art, Nature (The Shape of Our Land), Building (The Shape of Our Cities) & Food Science.
The first event chosen by me (Art of course!) was yesterday afternoon – in my garage – and I had the honor of leading all 17 of our children (age 2- grade 3) through types of printing, using paint, paper and cardboard and a variety of different textured things.
We talked about Monoprints and Relief Prints and then jumped in and got messy. I’m honored to share with you some of the lovely artworks they created.

Thank you to our Kmoms group for coming and sharing time, paint and textured things… and for the results of some uniquely creative and inspiring artwork, happy messy kids and blue shoe prints all over my garage floor…
This activity held the attention of 95% of them for almost an hour, the clean-up took close to two

textured wallpaper makes a great printing plate!
It’s Free Cards Friday
! Comment on THIS blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday.Have a great Friday,