Free Cards & FREE GIFT Friday ~ The Artist’s Way
If I can help one of my favorite supporters and friends start 2011 with some fresh purpose and inspiration, I am ON IT!
One commenter will get BOTH gifts. NOTE ~ when you comment, let me know WHO this gift will be for and a tiny bit about how you think it might inspire you/them.
“Most of us have no idea of our real creative height. We are much more gifted than we know. My tools help to nurture those gifts.”
above information © and borrowed from Julia Cameron’s website.
It’s Free Cards Friday! Add your comment to this blog post telling me WHO this gift will be for and a tiny bit of how you think it will inspire you/them (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win these two insightful books plus some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday (unless there are less than 5 entries, I may wait til next week).
Wishing you a safe and happy New Years Eve & Day,
Love & Sincerely ~ Katie