week of love raffle prize, free kmberggren art paintings for moms

Free Art Bracelet ♥ Week Of Love - Day 4


It’s mid-week in the Week Of Love and today ONLY I have a Free Art Bracelet of your choice for you while supplies last (a $28 value), with orders of $49+. Use coupon code KMBGIFT at checkout.

NOTE: I have limited supplies for bracelets, so when
they are all claimed, they are gone!


week of love with KmBerggren mother's day gifts of art

Plus, when you check out, you are automatically entering to win TWO free original paintings.

I am raffling off a set of 2 Original Motherhood Paintings at the end of the week. The two beach-themed motherhood paintings (see below) are a combined value of $530. Plus, I’ll pay the shipping.

EVERY $10 you spend on art ALL week long will give you a Raffle Entry to win this beautiful set of 2 original 8x8 inch paintings.



Here’s how it works: 

♥ Spend $64 on two glass art pendants today (matching ones for you and your daughter, maybe!) and you’ll automatically get 6 Raffle Entries. (plus a free bracelet of your choice, if you use code KMBGIFT)

♥ Spend $50 on Art Magnets and cards tomorrow... and you’ll get 5 MORE entries!! (plus tomorrow’s gift!)


It’s really simple. Just purchase gifts for yourself, your mom, your sister and/or best friend(s) and I will tally your entries.


EVERY order gets you entries into the drawing, and EVERY order over $49+ gets you free gifts on free gift days if you use code KMBGIFT 😊


Here is the Raffle Prize
(EVERY $10 you spend on art ALL week long
will give you a Raffle Entry)

raffle prize art paintings by kmberggren, free gifts for mother's day

overview of week of love with kmberggren art paintings for mom


Hit me up with any questions!

If you are on the email list, then tomorrow I’ll send you a note with the Week Of Love special offer for Day 5.


Love & Sincerely, Katie

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