Free 8×10″ Print ~ expires Sunday
katie berggrenI feel like throwing a Weekend Special: I appreciate you and want to give you a free gift!
Get a free 8×10” archival paper print of your choice ($22 value), with ANY order of $22+ (you can order a variety box of art cards for $22, or another 8×10” print) ~ use COUPON CODE: FREE8, and please write in the comment box of your order the name of the print you’d like for free.
It’s that simple. Below are some really popular 8×10″ prints, but you can choose ANY. Choose and shop here: Hover your mouse over the words “Art Prints” at the top to sort by family size, pregnancy, breastfeeding, babywearing or co-sleeping All 8×10″ archival prints fit directly into an off-the-shelf 8×10″ frame, super easy.
This offer ends Sunday at MIDNIGHT PST. Have fun! And never hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!
Since the completion of the Everyday Connection Collection, I have been focusing intensely on creating custom paintings for my Commission Clients, and not worrying about creating a new mini piece to share with the public each week.
This custom piece that I shared with you last week is ALMOST complete! Check her out This piece has pre-sold.
~~~~~ ALSO, I’ve only got about 15 2017 Calendars left
and I’m not sure if I’ll reorder more… ~~~~~~~
Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.
Love & Sincerely, Katie