Final Day of 3 Days Of Grace ♥ Graceful Nature Collection

Final Day of 3 Days Of Grace ♥ Graceful Nature Collection


The Graceful Nature Collection ~ They are reflections of our imperfections, our resilience and continued significance. They are graceful, tranquil and sharing their open hearts. Discover the women here.

Today is the final day of 3 Days Of Grace. See below.


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 Soul & Space and Path & Purpose are 2 of the 15 new pieces.

 Explore all 15


~~~ ♥♥♥ ~~~


uplifiting art for women, wall decor for girls room, growing girl artwork, inspiration art for young girls, motivation for mother, inspiration art for moms, paintings of women, paintings of girls, paintings of strength, strong woman gift, woman vision board, paintings of mothers, paintings of moms, mom and baby art prints,

All The Beauty Will Be Hers. Read Her Story.



3 Days Of Grace ends tonite

♥Every original painting purchased in this Collection between Tuesday and Thursday, will include an original custom family line drawing. ($50 value)


All Graceful Nature purchases (originals and prints) include a copy of the Graceful Nature Collection ebook featuring sketches, process and behind the scenes notes. ($5.99 value)


Choose TWO or more originals in the same transaction to automatically receive a 15% savings. Only through Thursday.


2 More Raffle Drawings - (2) at 6pm TONITE. No Purchase Necessary To Enter.


Last night's winners were XXXX and XXXXX, they've been emailed
~ TONITE: a set of 4 KmBerggren illustrated books ($83 value)

~ TONITE: A Silent Story Book (my graphic novel) & Coloring Book set ($46 value)

uplifiting art for women, wall decor for girls room, growing girl artwork, inspiration art for young girls, motivation for mother, inspiration art for moms, paintings of women, paintings of girls, paintings of strength, strong woman gift, woman vision board, paintings of mothers, paintings of moms, mom and baby art prints,

Young & Grown. Read Her Story.



There is only ever ONE ORIGINAL of each KmBerggren painting. I can always create a custom piece inspired by one, but no two paintings will ever be the same.


Interest-free payment plan options are available, let me know if you have any questions.

Love & Sincerely,


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