Family Adoption & Gift For You ~ Innovative Leaders Summit ~ Pearl

Three things to share today

1) Thank you for helping me bless a family for Christmas

2) Innovative Leaders Summit

3) Pearl, the birth story of an early painting

1) Thank you and there is still time ~ this is the 7th year my business has adopted an unhoused family. This year I have my largest family yet: a mother, father and two young teenage sons (just like MY family). A week ago I shared this with my community on Facebook and Instagram and people jumped in!

Some of my collectors placed immediate orders, my lovely sister offered to get the mother’s bath towels. I have a buyer in Croatia who opted to give her money to my adopted family instead of having me ship an package to her.

I have purchased clothing, shoes, cleaning supplies, body care products, a backpack, a coat, a fishing pole and tackle, footballs, board games, home items, cooking pots… I’ve felt overwhelmed at times just looking at the list.

This family does not have a home and is on a short stay at my local ministry until they have a home of their own. I’m thankful that they are warm for the season, and that they have each other. 

50% of all sales in my Online Studio Shop from last Friday until TOMORROW (Friday) go to providing for this family. I still need to buy a gift certificate for Christmas dinner groceries… and you can help – shop here:

AND YOU get a gift, too!! When you order, type in the order comments “Family”, and I will include a free surprise gift for you (valued at $12). An incentive for my community of collectors to come together and help me give this family a nice Christmas.

I’m not delivering their gifts til the middle of next week, so if you want to give any specific items or funds straight to the family, let me know, otherwise feel free to choose gifts for YOUR loved ones, here, knowing that you are directly benefitting another family at the same time. THANK YOU!!


2) The Innovative Leaders Summit ~ with Kirsten Klug, (featuring Katie m. Berggren discussing Art & Motherhood)

This free event is happening now ~ you can register here to join host Kirsten Klug and explore perseverance through challenges with creative vision. With 21 featured guests (including me!) discussing mindset, communication, increasing impact and income, creating positive change, and more.

Plus 4 bonus speakers:

~Scientist/Physician, Dr. Steve Mansoor
~Animal Behavior Specialist, Dr. Temple Grandin
~World Cup Athlete, Jackie Wiles
~Motivational Speaker, Jake French

The goal of this summit is to inspire us all. I offer a special coupon bonus with my presentation, and other speakers offer bonuses, too.


3) The Birth Story of an Early Painting ~ Pearl, 2007

PEARL: Figures fitting together… written in 2007 during her creation: “I continue my obsession and fascination with the way I can fit figures together. I love painting skin. This small child is in a raw style – his eye looks out at me from the root of my stylistic ideas.”

2019 ~ I am drawn in by this eye, still. I am in adoration of their skin and the colors hidden within. I was bold in creating a mother’s naked body taking up the whole canvas. We are bold when we are young, and for some reason we tend to lose it, to conform. Blast that, I want to nurture that boldness!

I rely heavily on my early paintings, I go back to them again and again, but never more than right now. Because they teach me WHY I started painting… they show me the early urges in image form. They are a part of me, the me I want to be. I started painting in 2004 and have not looked back. Like any journey, I have felt myself get off course, and I have felt moments of pure right-on-track-ness… Bless the journey. Forgive the mistakes. Learn from the uglies, and GROW.

We need to dig back into our past work, I think, as a way to help shape our future work.

This original painting sold years ago, but I have prints of Pearl, available here and she makes a beautiful 5×7 print! (you can also search “Pearl” at

~~~Thank you for your time. I hope you have a WONDERFUL week’s end. Love & Sincerely, Katie

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