Commission Sketch, Card Winner, Music, Little Boys…

katie berggren

I realize I’m still painting and it is now Saturday, so I can make my official winner announcement for Free Cards Friday – it’s Heather!

Connected with past buddies today, packed and shipped several orders, visited with the owner of a high-energy & inspiration shop that features my work, made lunch for good friends, dropped in on my big sister, and was blessed to have time to paint tonite with soul-quenching music coursing through me – my obsession with music continues as I just can’t quite explain what it does to me. I have determined I must attend a concert very soon (when might The Fray be venturing anywhere near my area?) and before too long I will re-teach myself to play piano.

The best part of this hot action-packed day? Tucking my sleepy little boys in bed as my littlest tells me I’m the best mommy ever – even though I remember having to count 1……2……. several times today with him How blessed are those forgetful little minds.

Working on a couple new commissions, one began as the sketch above…
Have a wonderful weekend!

Love & Sincerely,

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