mother and child on the beach art, mommy and baby beach painting, family beach art, beach lover painting, beach mom art, kmberggren art, paintings of the sea, ocean painting, calm inspiring artwork, peaceful art

Comfort ♥ Open Skies ♥ Painting A Day Coming Soon!

Comfort is complete! She is the newest painting (the 13th!) in my Open Skies Collection.


I put on her finishing touches yesterday, which were the final highlights on her dress and the final shimmers on the water. In the beginning, I felt certain this piece was going to be warm red tones overall, but I followed instincts and muses and stood back yesterday to realize she was lovely warm neutral blues with pops of pure orange and blue! LOVE!


Comfort is an original one-of-a-kind 16x20 inch painting on deep canvas, go make her YOURS A 4-part, 2-month, Interest-free Payment Plan is available at checkout.


mother and child on the beach art, mommy and baby beach painting, family beach art, beach lover painting, beach mom art, kmberggren art, paintings of the sea, ocean painting, calm inspiring artwork, peaceful art

Message from the Artist: On this whimsical day it’s breezy, but not too windy. They’ve found a little secret cove to explore, past the sea grasses, a quiet place. She provides a safe haven for her child to experience this big world, to gather bearings in mama’s arms before being set in the soft sand to touch, smell and taste everything. She relishes the child’s need for a moment of safety and connection and is humbled to have that power.

I can see the child’s eyes, even though I can’t “see” them… can you? Looking curiously out on the big sea, perhaps for the first time. Wide and watery from the wind, spellbound. Most likely a little pointing finger is involved.

She takes a moment to feel the warmth of her child, to hear the foamy surf, to experience the chill on her bare arms, the small flashes of sun that mean the day will surely warm up as they play. This moment is a gift.


mother and child on the beach art, mommy and baby beach painting, family beach art, beach lover painting, beach mom art, kmberggren art, paintings of the sea, ocean painting, calm inspiring artwork, peaceful art


mother and child on the beach art, mommy and baby beach painting, family beach art, beach lover painting, beach mom art, kmberggren art, paintings of the sea, ocean painting, calm inspiring artwork, peaceful art


This is an original 16x20 inch painting on deep canvas, freshly finished in the KmBerggren studio! Go make her YOURS  

A 4-part, 2-month, Interest-free Payment Plan is available at checkout.


I know she'll bring fresh peace and clear blue love into the lucky home she lives in ♥



NEXT WEEK, on Tuesday, 
the 2nd round of Painting A Day starts!


I'm not certain how many pieces will be in this round, but I'm shooting for 10. Here are the first three!



Each day the paintings will be released onto my Instagram & Facebook pages between 9-10 am PST, and each painting will have a portion of their price that goes directly to a charity of the buyer's choice! You must private message me to purchase each painting, each day. 
Feel free to also comment on the post with “Messaging” if you want to be sure that I see your private note. I will send you an invoice via paypal or Venmo and will hold the piece for 2 hours before releasing it to the next buyer. Payment plans are also available for these, upon request!


Let me know if you have any questions!


Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful week's end!
Love & Sincerely, Katie

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