Come To Me ~ PART ONE ~ The story of her Creation for Russian Musician Diana Arbenina

katie berggren
A couple months ago ~ I was contacted by a very kind woman in Russia ~ she and a large group of her friends wanted to commission a painting for the Russian musician, poet, singer and songwriter Diana Arbenina. Together they were a group of devoted fans. When I first perused the photos I was sent, I was captivated with Diana’s power, emotion, intensity and natural beauty. I was increasingly inspired to paint her/for her.

 Together, we wanted to create a piece that would signify Diana’s power, poetry, emotion and heart ~ and the love and protection felt by her for her two young children.

Here were my thoughts on the sketch, and my intentions for Diana’s painting:

“She is strong and beautiful, real, honest, emotional and intense ~ yet tender. She encircles her children with her arm in the forefront, yet keeps her distant arm on her own forehead, which here represents keeping her hand in her passion for her music (plus, I noticed she pushes her hair back a lot during performances). Her children are protected and enclosed by her front arm ~ protected from the public and very close to her heart. Her hair is a bit wild in the back to represent life and hard work ~ the chaos and business of music/fame that she seems to be protecting her children from (I couldn’t find anything about the twins online, which I personally think is a good thing).”

Though Diana’s 2 children (twins) were over a year old at this time, she had successfully kept them from the public eye, thus, we worked from a photo of Diana on stage one year before, holding photos of her children.

“It is hard to imagine how things can be connected! I don’t know if we told you that Diana’s children were born in the USA, and now you, #1 Motherhood Artist in America, created a beautiful piece of art for her and her family. Moreover, when I talked to Diana about USA, she said that she really loves Oregon (and, especially, Eugene), and you live in that area. These coincidences are truly amazing!” ~ kind words sent over by one of Diana’s fans


Diana’s painting ~ completed. The group of fans in Russia were very happy with the painting, as am I. I took some time to listen to Diana’s music and read the translated lyrics before deciding to call the painting Come To Me. A particularly beloved song by Diana is titled Come To Me.

After I sent my suggestion over via email, to call the painting Come To Me ~ my client emailed back so excited to share with me that Diana’s upcoming concert (at which they were planning to present the gift) was titled Come To Me. It was as if it was meant to be


The poster for Diana Arbenina’s July 8th concert to take place in Russia.

Tune in for the next chapter in a couple days where I’ll show you what happened between completing Diana’s painting, and getting it into the hands of her adoring fans in Russia

Have a great week!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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