Closing Gaps & Recommend A Charity for 2017’s Gift

katie berggren

Happy New Year!

Do you make resolutions? I don’t ~ but I DO set intentions throughout the year. A recent intention I have set is to Close The Gaps ~ “gaps” are what I call those ‘lost’ moments between activities – moments usually sucked up by my phone, namely Instagram. I just love looking at everyone’s photos!

But when I blink my eyes 20 minutes have vanished. The lunches are still sitting half-made on the counter, I haven’t had my water or my green juice, and perhaps I’ve even over-cooked breakfast…

So, I’m working on Closing The Gaps ~ going from one morning task to another without picking up my phone and hitting those seductive app buttons. For the last two mornings, I’ve done it ~ and it has massively paid off. On Tuesday I cleaned and mopped three bathrooms, made two lunches, two breakfasts, folded three loads of laundry, did some yoga AND had a green juice – all before 830am! I credit the fact that I left my phone on the counter, not touching it except to check once for any texts that might be urgent.

What are you working on? No pressure, just take it day by day, morning by morning, hour by hour. Let me know if I can help!


Also ~ the 3rd annual Painting On Purpose painting is about to start!! Do you remember that every February 6th I release a painting (on my Grandma Neva’s birthday – this year she turns 94!!) and all of the money from the sale of that painting goes to a special charitable organization (preferably one benefitting mothers and/or children)?

Well, it’s time for me to pick the charity for 2017. Do you have a recommendation for 2017? I’d LOVE to hear it! Just send me an email.

In 2015 this project allowed me to give $704 to the NW Mothers Milk Bank in Portland, OR (see the delivery of the $ here).

In 2016, this project allowed me to give $455 to Food for Orphans.

see the 1st and 2nd POP paintings, and LEARN MORE HERE.

Painting On Purpose, Katie m. Berggren

THANK YOU! Have a WONDERFUL week’s end. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie


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