Clear-Eyed Confidence, New Mermaid, Painting On Purpose

katie berggren
Three lovely new things to share with you today!
First off, I am SO happy to release Clear-Eyed Confidence ~ she is a BRAND NEW original 20×24” painting on canvas. I adore her textured and colorful surface, and I’ve loved bringing her to life ~ her creation process was a challenging but rewarding journey. She protects her child and dares us to question her confidence. She is currently available for $980. See many more photos and Make her YOURS, here. (You can even see a little Up Close & Personal video of her textured and colorful surface).
Clear-Eyed Confidence by Katie m. Berggren

Clear-Eyed Confidence by Katie m. Berggren

Second: it’s Thursday ~ so I have a new original MINI painting to share ~ it is my joy to have a mini painting in process in the studio each week ~ a little emotion, a little gift. I will share my original mini painting each week on Thursday mornings ~ I am also, always, creating larger original paintings to offer in the Online Studio Shop, as well as commissioned custom paintings for clients (pre-sold).


Depth Of Trust by Katie m. Berggren

Depth Of Trust by Katie m. Berggren

This new mini original painting is titled Depth Of Trust, she is a new sister in my recent mermaid gathering. Where one begins and one ends, it’s hard to tell sometimes in motherhood. Together, however, they celebrate the beauty of nature in the deep. The original painting, Depth Of Trust has SOLD. Find prints of Depth Of Trust, here. See more Mermaid Paintings & Prints.

Last But Not Least: Painting On Purpose (POP) ~ a brand new brain-child/project inspired by my sweet Grandma Neva who will turn 92 on the day this painting is released, TOMORROW, February 6, 2015.

Painting on Purpose, Katie m. Berggren

The first piece for POP is a 16×20″ original painting on canvas, titled If You Believe. Upon completion, this original painting will be available for $704. ALL of the money from her sale will go to the Northwest Mothers Milk Bank in Portland Oregon. I will actually be handing NWMMB a check for $704 when If You Believe finds her forever home.
NWMMB strives daily to collect, protect then provide a wonderfully healthy first food to local babies in need. They truly believe in, and truly ARE, saving lives and keeping families together, drop by drop. Learn more about NWMMB here.


below is an image of If You Believe, in process.

Painting on Purpose, Katie m. Berggren
Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day! Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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