Carry You With Me, a new book and a nurturing community
katie berggrenAs the words came to their final place, Katie said yes to illustrating the book. The fates brought Alanna & Katie together years ago when Alanna found Katie’s paintings online ~ pieces that matched the emotions and meaning behind the words Alanna had written. “The way she painted was how I had imagined it in my head. I remember the first painting that I saw brought me to tears instantly.”
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The Carry You With Me Collection of mementos are created with love, to provide parents, families, and friends around the globe meaningful, tangible mementos to remember our loved ones and carry them with us. Find these special items here.
We are focused on building a global network of love, support, remembrance and healing for those navigating life after pregnancy, infant and child loss. A group where individuals can come together in a safe place, across distances and time, to share, learn and heal together. The inspiration behind the book and paintings came from personal experience. Join this community, and let us heal together.
In-process art snaps and some behind the scenes action
Peak into the process here.
THANK YOU! You have helped make this dream a reality. Your support and encouragement have kept us going. Share the love and share the book and message with someone it may help.
Alanna Knobben & Carry You With Me:
The Carry You With Me Healing Community on Facebook (Private, ask to join)
Facebook: Carry You With Me & Katie m. Berggren Fan Page
Instagram: @CarryYou.WithMe & @KmBerggrenArt
Katie m. Berggren’s Online Studio Shop:
Katie m. Berggren’s Website: